This is a fairly simple one. In the two months since Obama's inauguration, his Treasury Secretary, Mr. Timothy Geithner, has proven himself to be a tax cheat and either incompetent or a liar (or both). Mr. Geithner was the architect of the AIG bailout last fall, and he claims that he knew nothing about executive bonuses. Therefore, he is either LYING, or he simply didn't read or understand the very bill he supposedly was so instrumental in writing.
Furthermore, since he has assumed his position at the treasury department, the stock market has sharply declined (mostly on the days he speaks), and his department continues to have 18 job openings, making it the most disorganized of all executive departments in government. But yet we've been told by President Obama that Geithner was the ONLY man capable of doing this job. Now, am I the only one who finds that hard to believe? Also, am I the only one who smells corruption every time Geithner shows his face on TV? And President Obama compares Geithner's challenges to those which faced Alexander Hamilton?!?
Now, Mr. Obama, I may not have known Alexander Hamilton personally, but I'm fairly certain that Timothy Geithner is no Alexander Hamilton!
OK, I'm giving him a little bit of a break today, after the market soared following the release of his plan to free up credit. At least he's applying SOME free market principles! Check out his article in the Wall Street Journal HERE.