Now, do you think the families of the victims of 9/11 like to think of those planes crashing into the World Trade Center as a "man-caused disaster?" It sounds like what you would call a poorly designed bridge collapsing, like that one in Minnesota a year or two ago. It does NOT sound like something caused by some insane Islamic fundamentalists intentionally crashing a plane into a skyscraper. Furthermore, I believe it diminishes the significance of what the terrorists DID and MIGHT STILL DO.
Ms. Napolitano, being "politically correct" so as not to insult the terrorists or any other crazy Islamic fundamentalists is NOT going to prevent terrorist attacks in the future, nor is it going to make Americans any more proud to be Americans. I don't think Osama Bin Laden is now thinking, "Wait! If they're not calling us terrorists anymore, maybe they're not so bad after all." I think you need to keep your eye on the ball a little better. So far, you have not demonstrated that you have any ability to keep this country safe. Rather, like the president who appointed you, you've demonstrated a tremendous capacity for kissing Islamic ass. Frankly, your redefinition of terms has me more terrorized than ever.
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